Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Argument about Facebook!!!!

We think that Facebook is good because you can catch up with friends and family .Also you can play really fun games like ZOMBE LANE and CAT and DOG plus FARM VILLE.But we think it s not so good because people under 13 that go on can get hurt inside from online bulling that can turn into off line bulling.
We think it is not good to be on facebook lots of people get hurt.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenifer and Lily

    I think we should behave on line with the same standards of behaviour that we behave anywhere else. It sounds old fashioned but we should treat other people the way we would like to be treated. It doesn't matter if the person is in front of you or on facebook. Unfortunately some people still are still learning that.

    Mr. Drummond


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